Sunday 27 October 2013

Hell's Angels Child Sex Slavery in Milton

Recently a 17 year old girl escaped sexual slavery in Milton, Ontario.

She had been beaten, gang raped and forced into prostitution.

Her captors were hired hungarians, one of which Aldain Alando Beckford, in the same trafficking ring Operation OPAPA brought down, accoridng to the RCMP.

The lead suspects in Operation OPAPA are the Hell's Angels.

I went to a conference called the Freedom Walk a few months ago, and saw Timea Nagy speak, who is a survivor of this trafficking ring.

According to Timea, the average age of girl is 13 years old and the average times a day they are forced to have sex is 15, they have to ask to go to the washroom, are fed once a day, and are confined by their pimps under constant survailence.

Sexual slavery is the second largest income other than drugs for the Hell's Angels.

So when you take money from these people, you're really taking child sex slavery money, even in Milton, and whenever people hear this they could care less, makes me not a big fan of most people.



Friday 25 October 2013

27 Hell's Angels Plead Guilty to Murder

Twenty-seven members of the Hell's Angels have pleaded guilty to murder, in Quebec, something that should be done in Ontario.

A total of nearly 150 members are on trial, which shows the reality of the "1%er" slogan, just another lie, to people who have no appreitation for telling the truth or honesty.

So where is the justice for the victims of brutal violence here in Ontario?

Are the police just too corrupt, to arrest gunmen walking around in broad daylight with semi auto-matic weapons, or to arrest the gang members responcible in the Hell's Angels?

How can democracy exist, when the country's own people have no rights and murderers walk free?

I'm not so much worried about the guns in the picture, as guessing the sexual orientation of the members in it. Leather pants? How are you supposed to "do a little turn on the cat-walk" with a shotgun, in leather pants?

Thursday 24 October 2013

The Hell's Angels Lurk Kids

The Hell's Angels have come out with fashion stores making clothes for teenagers, in Toronto, Why? Hell if I know.

They sell cocaine, heroine, LSD, Hash, Meth, Speed, Date Rape and acid, so here's some clothes for your kids so they think we're cool, so we get can them on crack.

They are also trying to use the rapper Mad Child and a 60 year old rapper, who sounds like a drunk Garth Brooks, to lure your kids. When really their BC mutimillion dollar company Starnet just had mad child porn.

Maybe if they're nice enough they'll your daughters be abducted into sexual slavery, under the many operations like this they run out of their strip clubs, massage parlors and bars, like "Flesh Gordon's", a family owned business obviously.

And maybe they'll let your kids join their "1%ers", when 100% of them get taken down in operations when the polcie do their job, like in Quebec recently, all of them, because they're all involved in drugs and everything they do, or they wouldn't be making money.

So shop (PC)P too, so they can fund lurking your kids, and getting them on hard drugs.

Stay away from kids.

They took this picture down after I bloggedabout it.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

A Few Facts about the Hell's Angels Biker Wars

Yves Trudeau, mentioned as the founder of the HA in Canada, molested a 13 year old boy, and was a bomb maker, which led to the death of an 11 year old boy.

The Hell's Angels Biker War lead to the death of 150 people, including a man from Milton Ontario named Mikey Trotta, who was kidnapped, taken to a farm and violently exectuted. Apparently when police found it the barns floors were soaked with blood.

The Hell's Angels control 90% of the cocaine flow in Canada, and the same amount in sexual slavery, which is their second largest income.

The 1%er slogan is a lie, all members of the Hell's Angels in Quebec are currently on trial, due to Operation Locquace and the Biker War Mega trial, it just takes a masive operation to arrest in these numbers.

They were said to a victim:

"We didn't even kill you" yelled outside of my apartment as I was watching about the Quebec biker war. Why would that even be mentioned? I thought it wasn't because I called the police on you 8 years ago? And you didn't kill chris, and didn't try to kill me, or even had anything thoughts towards that, especially to do with the gun shot and gun death threats lately."
I watched this video on the lowest volume and the left eye closed. I thought it was a quicker means of dealing with the scumb bags, who nobdy should bother aknowledging and just put the pedophiles in jail.

NPF and Blood Members Released by Milton Police

The Street in Nova Scotia, where the NPF was founded
A gang the Hell's Angels employ and support, North Preston's Finest, shot off a gunshot on the night of August 30th, on Main Street in Milton Ontario.

The gunman was not pursued by police, even after verbal threats given to the victim on a regular basis, from the same assailants and their cousins, along with gun cocking afterwards as a death threat.

North Preston's Finest are known for forcing underage girls into sexual slavery and human trafficking, by violent means.

The Hell's Angels have helped them since their founding, as the Hell's Angels ran pimping in Nova Scotia according to this quote:
"They said the hardest part is convincing victims to come forward.

RCMP Const. Sebastian Decaens said in most cases a predator will manipulate their victim to either fall in love with them or make them feel like they need to pay off a debt.

"They would bring them to another city or another province to start dancing. Once again it's to create a habit, a need, and from that they would go to dancing to unfortunately the sex trade market," he said.

Renaud said that's exactly what happened to her friend Stacy.

"She ended up meeting a gentleman. He was a well-respected businessman, also a high-ranking Hells Angel," she said."

So you see both methods of Human Traficking/Sexual Slavery, the boyfriend method used by the NPF, and the strip club and trafficking method, used by the Hell's Angels.
This link will help you to understand the confinements made in Hell's Angels sexual slavery:

That link article was written by Tania Fiolleau, the woman, poitning out the Hell's Angels as the lead child pimps/abusers.

How it works in the NPF is, a member generates renown and a name, working  up the ranks, then is transferred to the Toronto GTA area to operate there. The Hell's Angels run them in Toronto and in Nova Scotia

Acoording to the Canadian Investigative Journal they have been noted to do such things as:

"Accused of forcing his girlfriend to strip and live under strict rules, then choking and beating her when she tried to escape."

"Who threatened her with scissors, a knife and a gun."

And for doing child pornography in the 90's, I'm not sure if they still do.

The Hell's Angels run the NPF out of their bars and strip clubs, and in Milton and the Peel region, operate out of a taxi service, along side the hired Hungarian pimps the Hell's Angels employ, who had a 17 year old girl escape sexual slavery from them in Milton.

This is the second gunmen the Hell's Angels had police let go, along with a blood street gang member who flashed this same victim a gun in broad daylight, who were later arrested and let go by police after they came out of the apartments they were visiting with what they claimed was just a silver cellphone, when the cellphone they had and showed the vitim at he time of the threat, identifying the weapon as a "Colt", was a jet black iphone on both sides. The gun was silver, as well the victim knew the colour of the gunman's underwear, which was red, depsite him haveing a long white shirt down to his knees. So the only way he could have known that was because he lifted it to show the tucked gun in his waist line.

This is two now of the Hell's Angels hired shooters let go by police, however the victim is dealing with the Staf Sargent and Police Review Board, to pursue both gang members, one identified, and one to be inpected by a home visit by police.

The NPF member is also being linked to a local rape.


Aldain Alondo Beckford was in the same human traffickng ring as the OPAPA invesitgation.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

A Hell's Angels Member and a Rival Vagos Member are Facing Time

Cesar Villagrana, Hell's Angel sentenced to 12.5 years
A shooting in Las Vegas Nevada in 2011, left a Hell's Angels Chapter president killed, and a Vagos member wounded by bullet.

The gunfight occurred in a Las Vegas casino when a Hell's Angels member, Cesar Villagrana, opened fire and shot Ernesto Gonzales, a member of the rival Vagos Motorcycle Club in the leg.

Before this the fight was only fists, and after the Vagos member was shot, they returned fire and mortally wounded the San Jose Hell's Angels Chapter President, Jeffrey "Jethro" Petigrew.

The Hell's Angels member is facing 12 and a half years, for wounding a Vagos member in the shoot out, and the Vagos gang member has been sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole in 28 years.


Saturday 19 October 2013

The Peacemaker: LA Gang Wars, Season 1 Review

I decided to buy and watch a DVD TV series based on American street gangs, in order to learn about them, to be more understanding of the people as individuals in benignity.

After watching the second episode of The Peacemaker: LA Gang Wars, Season 1, I noticed that although the Crips and Bloods have a "truce" in California, it doesn't seem to be very consistent, and even Crips war with other blocks of Crips, which are the first two episodes of 2 different groups of local Crip gangs in conflict.

The term 'Crip' comes from one of the original members have an impaired disability to do with his legs, and a fellow gang member writing 'Crip' on his Converse sneakers.

Overall the second episode was nice to watch, to and to see the humanity of the individuals when tried to make peace, in a conflict resolution group.

It seems like when people who clash at a distance get together and meet face to face in an attempt to get to know each other, they are confronted with each other's humanity, where otherwise several retaliation murderers could have happened back and forth between the two groups. The TV show's host is really brilliant for using this way of ending likely and senseless conflict.

Purchase this episode here:

Hell's Angels "Our fight is for all British Colombians" "... when we're not trying to kill you."

Weapons confiscated from British Columbia Hell's Angels
After the city of Surrey protested the settling of the Hell's Angels in the area, the biker gang road in hundreds near by, to oppress the resisting public and strike fear into good everyday people.

It birthed the term: "better safe than Surrey".

A technique also used on the Quebec Federation of Labour by the Hell's Angels, during an election where members circled the polls on their motorcycles until the opposition left the building in fear.

So, after threatening the lives of an entire town and suppressing them with terror, the Hell's Angels are now fighting for their rights! Because they need to use people they were about ready to kill!

Anyhow, the situation is ridiculous, as this large claim and invested effort goes under the assumption that no criminal activity was taking place at the residence by the owners, when  one or more of the properties were full of cocaine, guns and illegally made money when seized.

For example, the East End Vancouver clubhouse in 2005 was full of this contraband when confiscated, then in 2007 the BC government put the forfeiture act on it. So even a possession charge would do.

I stick with Surrey, Mayor Dianne Watts has been the standard for good hearted and responsible elected officials, if you have a problem, she is one of the best to handle it and should be applauded for this.

And if people like this have each other to turn to, the world can start to make a positive difference, and get rid of these types of criminals who threaten and corrupt the lives of peaceful people.

Mayor of Surrey, Dianne Watts

North Preston's Finest

A Toronto area NPF member, arrested for murder.
A gang called North Preston's Finest were recently involved in a rape in Halton Region.

The street gang get their name from North Preston, Nova Scotia, where the gang was founded.

They're business is sexual slavery, forcing girls as young as 14 into having sex, while keeping them in confinement with brutal and violent means.

They are known to operate out of Hell's Angels' 'clubs' and parlours, working as middlemen for them.

Charges they often face include: kidnapping, gang sexual assault, assault and forcible confinement.

They are also known to brand their prostitutes with "NPF" tattoos.

The ex-leader was arrested for assaulting a 15 year old girl with a tazer, and the gang is currently responsible for two murders in Niagara.

Thursday 17 October 2013

I Solved the Murder of Rene Charlebois, Ex-Hell's Angel Turned Informant.

Laval prison, where Rene Charlebois was detained and released.
After first reading the CBC report of Benoit Roberge's arrest and Rene Charlebois' murder, it seemed a puzzle, then things started coming together.

Charlebois, a high ranking Hell's Angels member, had recorded conversations of himself and an ex-police officer, turn crooked accessory to murder, Benoit Roberge, while held in detention in a prison in Laval, Quebec. 

After being arrested, detained and having recorded Roberge, likely with Roberge's wife who would be talking to Charlebois in detention, because she was the lead prosecutor, Charlebois then escaped prison for his life. 

I believe he may have even been released, due to a lack of evidence as one news report stated, this was after telling his fellow gang members he "wasn't doing anything to come back", so in other words, he wanted out.

I'm not sure whether Charlebois had something internally going awry in the Hell's Angels, or didn't want to go to jail for crimes Roberge knew of and other HA's, and thought he would turn informant and be paid by honest police officers for doing so, for him to record Roberge in detention and flee.

Charlebois was found dead weeks later in a chalet, by a police team who somehow witnessed the whole thing, on the bank of the St. Lawrence River, the chalet had been rented out and not in his name, I suppose to lay low. 

So how police found him location wise and how he got from point A to point B, must be that they followed him, I doubt he got in contact with any other HA members, as he wanted out, and Maurice Bouche had previously made him kill to prove his loyalty, so the results of snitching he would have known would be death. 

Rene Charlebois, murder victim.
The murder was claimed by police as a suicide, after being found by a team of possibly crooked officers, as normally the evidence would have made police suggest it was a homicide, or that foul play was involved, to the media.

Three shots were fired, and police claimed no officers let off a single shot. So, was someone else there, given three shots were heard, and he wouldn't need three rounds to kill himself? And what were the other two shots for, since he didn't shoot it out with police? 

Did Charlebois just happen to die, right as a police team found him, while being a snitch on crooked officers and the Hell's Angels, who would want him dead?

And if he was suicidal, why would he try to get out of organized crime, to improve his life, and record a corrupt police officer just to stay out of jail, and better his situation, out of self interest, let alone to stay alive, and flee for his life.

Considering Charlebois recorded Roberge talking about criminal details, and fled, it looks like before he was found, if he did try to get in touch with someone, he wanted to find someone to go to who wasn't a crooked police officer or a Hell's Angel, who would kill him for trying to 'snitch', and with one of their crooked and paid cops.

Roberge was later arrested trying to obtain the recorded audio from a third party individual Charlebois gave the tapes to before being murdered, in a 'sting' created by the police after the third party gave the recordings to them. 

However, who could Charlebois go to, if not a Hell's Angel or a police officer, who would be the third party? And why was he or she labelled a 'third party' and not go by a certain name or title? Especially after they possibly killed Charlebois for 'snitching', two weeks earlier.

So, who is the third party individual? Another Hell's Angel? Not likely, they'd kill him. Maybe a police officer, but who he would trust? Or was it made up by crooked cops, given that was what made him flee the prison in Laval and Roberge in the first place. It looks to me like some corrupt police and Hell's Angels were trying to get rid of Charlebois, for crossing them, and punish Roberge and have him take the fall.

And especially since the lead prosecutor, Roberge's wife, must have known about the corruption that was going on, and his collogues are currently under investigation, so it could go deep, into higher ranks of police officers.

Charlebois at his wedding
Another thing to consider is who are the one's paying these reporters, Allen Woods and Tu Thanh Ha, to cover up the murder of Rene Charlebois? They must have some financial backing. 

Is it the Hell's Angels, or since Benoit Roberge was a crooked officer, corrupt members of the police? Doubtable, since the Hell's Angels have a much larger income from drugs and human trafficking, and have most officers in their pocket, at least in Ontario.

The Hell's Angels seem to be very involved, given The Toronto Star reporter Allen Woods', went out of his way to make it seem Charlebois loved the outlaw motorcycle gang, after mentioning in the same report that he wanted out. As well mentioning top members of the gang attended Chrlebois' wedding, who would now have the motive to kill him as a 'snitch'.

"In August 2000, legendary Quebec crooners Jean-Pierre Ferland and Ginette Reno were hired to sing at Charlebois’ wedding ceremony — Ferland at the church; Reno at the reception, which was hosted inside Boucher’s home. It was after the ceremony that Charlebois reportedly professed his love for his fellow bikers and the outlaw organization with a worldwide reach.
“My brothers, I love you. My heart, my blood
and my life belongs to the Hells Angels.” "
- Allen Woods
Operation Loquace, lead by RCMP
So, if it is crooked officers, how high up would the corruption go? In the CBC report it was mentioned Roberge also has ex-team member colleagues that are currently under investigation. So I searched to find out who Roberge's colleagues are, and I found the following that links everything.
According to the Montreal Gazette, Benoit Roberge was involved with Operation Loquace, which has been arresting Hell's Angels and Mafia members since November 1st 2012, so the conversations Rene Charlebois recorded of himself and the crooked officer, Benoit Roberge, would be providing key evidence for the trials of all 111 of these gangsters, and possibly get crooked police, maybe even higher ranks, involved and arrested.

So, who killed Rene Charlebois directly? Both the police and maybe a person of a 'third party', perhaps a trusted member of the Hell's Angels got in touch with him, who sold him out to either the police, HA or both. Again, the police were at the Chalet, when 3 shots were fired, police said they didn't shoot once and Rene Charlebois was found dead, and they didn't track down a suspect with dogs or let a car get away while on the scene of the crime, to be able to hear the 3 shots.

The chalet where Charlebois was found murdered.
So, how did the police let the killer go, was it a Hell's Angels member, one of Charlebois' associates, who sold him out, and were paid to leave the scene the way it was for police? Who they then let flee? Or were the police behind the whole thing, following him all the way to where he was in hiding, after he recorded Roberge and fled, in great interest from their disadvantaged situation? 

It's one of the two, and both parties are definitely involved, especially given it was an obvious murder, claimed right away by police as a suicide. A call made by the HA and Mafia at the least, considering 111 of them, including a lot of high-ranking members, are all in court right now and the recorded tapes could bring them down, resulting from Charlebois snitching.

And if you were to think the Hell's Angels were maybe sided with Charlebois to collect evidence for their trial, he would have just given it to them, it's more likely he recorded Benoit talking about the Hell's Angels to use it against both, for Charlebois to feel like he had something and feel the need to escape.

And if that was the case he wouldn't have desperately escaped, he would have handed the recording over to a Hell's Angel or a lawyer in visitation, and let the Hell's Angels handle the evidence legally on the outside, considering he would have been released from his sentence due to the nature of his incarceration and arrest, not needing to escape and run for his life. 

And since Roberge was crooked with the HA, Charlebois wouldn't have had any problems with making it public, or giving it to a lawyer or member, who would have had the tape and the situation public immediately, which involves crooked officers, speaking out about it, instead of trying to pay reporters to cover it up.

The Hell's Angels don't operate that way, they would get their lawyers to throw a fit over it upon hearing about it and have the evidence collected, over dramatizing the civil rights they have no right to. As well as for the other HA members and members of the mafia currently on trial from Operation Loquace, they would have had to have kept everything about the evidence and Charlebois's situation seemingly legit.

So it looks like crooked police, with and funded by the Hell's Angels killed Rene Charlebois, and are currently trying to cover it up.

When Roberge was arrested he was at a chalet as well, but by a lake in St-Denis-De-Brompton, Quebec, where other members of his unit own chalets, so there was a possible corroboration, maybe to plan him taking the fall for the rest of the crooked officers.

Crooked Reporter Cover up References:


Wednesday 16 October 2013

More Crooked Reporters Paid to Cover-up Hell's Angels Murder

Rene Charlebois, the Hell's Angels member who wanted out.
I've already established the Hell's Angels paid a Toronto Star reporter to make it seem as if Rene Charlebois was a loving member of the gang, when they likely killed him for wanting out of it, now it seems as if another reporter at the Globe and Mail was paid to do the same.

Globe and Mail reporter, Tu Thanh Ha, phrased the article a "Hell's Angels hitman" who was a "cold blooded killer" was found dead. 

Rene Charlebois was a high ranking Hell's Angels member, not a hitman outside of their 'club', who the major leaders in Canada attended his wedding. 

"In August 2000, legendary Quebec crooners Jean-Pierre Ferland and Ginette Reno were hired to sing at Charlebois’ wedding ceremony — Ferland at the church; Reno at the reception, which was hosted inside Boucher’s home. It was after the ceremony that Charlebois reportedly professed his love for his fellow bikers and the outlaw organization with a worldwide reach.
“My brothers, I love you. My heart, my blood
and my life belongs to the Hells Angels.” "
- Allen Woods

Given the evidence, ie. Rene wanted out of the gang and told fellow members this in prison, 3 shots were heard at the chalet at the time of the murder, the police didn't shoot a single shot, he wouldn't need 3 shots to commit suicide and didn't shoot it out with the police, and now it looks like you have two blatantly corrupt reporters paid to cover it up by the gang, it would seems it was a murder of their own.

I'll leave the related evidence suggesting this was a murder of someone the HA thought would 'snitch', given he wanted out, which the Globe and Mail reporter, Tu Thanh Ha, left on the article, that was pretty detailed to not know the correct relationship as a high ranking member and not a paid hitman.

"The gang leader, Mr. Boucher, then devised a plan to ensure the loyalty of his men by asking them to kill prison guards, prosecutors, judges and other law-enforcement officials."

Considering with the previous reporter's corruption it seems as if maybe the Hell's Angels pay their writers more than the newspapers do themselves?

You can follow Tu Thanh Ha on Twitter too.


For the previous evidence suggesting murder:

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Remaining Hell's Angels Swept Off the Streets

One hundred and eleven members of the Italian Mafia and the Hell's Angels were arrested in Operation Loquace in Quebec, after the 150 members of the Hell's Angels were already swept off the streets in the HA Biker Mega-trial. 

About 30 Hell's Angels had been released in the Mega-trial, I'm wondering how many of them are now back in custody thanks to this new mass arrest. 

The release of the 30 Hell's Angels members was before one of the deciding Judges in the Mega-trial was found doing drug deals with the defendants, which by the way all major news sites took the report of that corruption down, the only one who kept an article about it is little ol' me.

The list of confiscated contraband gets interesting, 1,486 explosives? That's  new to hear for me.

Quoting the the news report:

"A police news release says a total of $255,000 in cash, 6,000 pills, nine kilograms of cannabis, three kilograms of cocaine, 13 barrels of GBL (a solvent used in creating date rape drugs) and 35 vehicles were seized in today's operation.
Police also seized five residences with a total estimated value of $1.5 million.
Before today, police seized 153 kilograms of cocaine and 46,100 units of methamphetamines, along with 161 guns, 291 prohibited weapons, 1,486 explosives and 50 detonators in a sweep connected to the latest raids."
'Prohibited weapons' would be high powered assault rifles and machine guns to my knowledge.

The  source of the Hell's Angels' cocaine, a Mexican cartel, was dismantled as well.

26 of the investigated gangsters in Operation Loquace are still at large, but it seems they won't have too much of a stronghold in Quebec to operate in any more if they wanted to.


Monday 14 October 2013

The Hell's Angels Clubhouse "Charter Violation" Easily Solved

HA East End Vancouver Clubhouse, seized as of 2005
The British Columbia Hell's Angels are bringing forth a challenge in court against the BC government, as to the provinces's right to confiscate the already seized three clubhouses. 

They are claiming they are not a criminal organization, so they have rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that would make the government have to pay to investigate the properties, rather than not having to if the property belonged to a criminal organization. 

This seems like a cheap trick to deter the Crown and the province from continuing the investigation, or a quick out for possible crooked police, judges and politicians.

However, BC politicians like the mayor of Surrey, Dianne Watts, certainly raise the bar for politicians who are good people and uncorrupt, and who stand against organized crime syndicates, like the Hell's Angels, so it is not likely this travesty will fly.

Why is this a travesty? All the government has to do is prove the owners of the property were involved in criminal activity, and as you can see from the picture on this article, the East End clubhouse was full of cocaine, guns and contraband, when the property was seized as of 2005.

That was easy.


Friday 11 October 2013

Godfathers Documentary: The Italian Mafia Compared to the Hell's Angels

John Gotti, NY Italian Mafia Godfather.
I decided to watch a documentary on the Italian Mafia, to find out more about them. 'Mafia' is an Italian term for 'swagger', and 'La Cosa Nostra' translates to 'our own thing'. I've always found that in comparison to the Hell's Angels, the Mafia are saints. They carry themselves like men and with a sense of respect, they show a lot of restraint, they are honest about their public image, are often Catholic and only commit violence, if ever, if someone is trying to kill them, as a last resort.  Although I do not agree with the crimes they are involved with, in comparison to other gangs, it is like comparing a person who makes mistakes and but keeps a sense of morality, with a person who is like Charles Manson.

I relate the Mafia to financial crimes, gambling, some trafficking and rarely murder. I relate the Hell's Angels to cocaine supplier level drug dealing, child sex slavery, reckless and needless murder, rape, of men women and children, and worshipping the devil. And feel as though I'm not as motivated to pursue the Mafia, in the same way as the Hell's Angels, but in places like murder, you need to. I would give the impression that in the relationship between the HA and the Mafia, the Mafia is the voice of reason, probably regretting having to work with them, given the Hell's Angels brilliant public acts of shameless violence and rape. It should be noted, it seems as if the Mafia in Canada is much more controlled than in Italy, it could be due to the difference in the prison system, as I don't hear too many Mafia members bragging having gone to prison in America, or wanting to go.

Because of their lack of reckless violence and conducting one's self by a code and using restraint, it is better for their organization, and it seems like a natural personality, rather than a fake PR image, like the HA. By first impression, they conduct themselves like men and don't impose themselves on everyday people, and not like weirdo scumb perverts, who in their time were likely 'high as a kite'. Where in this video, in Italy, the Mafia seems to be much more violent and forceful, but it was nice to see how moral the people of Italy are, to gather in emotional support for the mayor.

When I use my computer the brightness is dialled as low as it goes, so if blinking videos annoy you, you can do this too and it is barely noticeable.

Hell's Angels Crime Correlations (Ontario)

The First correlation area is for the region of Ontario, Canada. I am taking my articles (which are based off of news reports and police consensus) and placing marks where certain crimes are occurring, to relate them to where the source of the certain crime could be coming from, this is for anyone even police to reference, under the condition you only report on these things and leave the policing to the authorities. Soon I'm going to make numbers beside the marks to count how many of the certain crimes are occurring in the area.

A few notes, the Hell's Angels are known to work with aboriginal gangs, to move drugs across the border at the great lakes (Huron, Erie and Ontario), by boat.

The rest are busted drug houses and to do with illegal unregistered weapons.

The gang war and murders are related to the Bandidos and Outlaws. 

The Bandidos Shedden Massacre involved an orchestrated effort from HA members all across Ontario, from the furthest red markings, one of the top, in Sutton, Northern Ontario, and the bottom two, in Southern Ontario, as well as 3 in the middle, in the GTA.

Another 3, in Toronto, Port Perry and London, are where the Hell's Angels are currently warring with the Outlaws MC (as of 2012-2013).

​The rest are murders related to the Mafia, and drug turf wars.

The human trafficking cases are related to the previous work the HA did with Hungarians, and the current work they do with the NPF.
The financial crimes are related to the gambling rings done with the Mafia, recently taken down by the RCMP.

Thanks to Amazon, vs. Google Adsense.

I decided to write a post about Google Adsense and it's competitor Amazon Associates. I made an effort to turn criminology blogging into a career by putting ads on Gang Tabs, to treat it like a 9-5, after I wasn't accepted by Adsense, I found a ton of people were having the same problem. I searched Google to find another ad supplier, and came across Amazon Associates, from, and they approved Gang Tabs, with the same content Adsense disapproved, and instead of 3 days to get all kinds of complications, then another 3 to try again after refining it, Amazon approved it in one. So, much thanks to Amazon, and if you're not being accepted by Adsense you know who you can try. As well, I was able to choose relevant content, with several options of displaying chosen ad content. Thanks again. :)

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Triad King-pin Deportation Trial

Lai Tong Sang, member of the Shui Fong Triad.
The possible head member of the Shui Fong Triad, Lai Tong Sang, has been deported from Vancouver, British Columbia, back to Macau, China.

He was arrested after having a 'contract' put on him by a rival Triad group known as the 14k Triad, evidence which police gathered from a wire-taped phone conversation.

Lai is the suspected "dragon's head" (leader) of the Shui Fong (which translates to the "water room gang"), and his reputation is being of such, from the violent nature of the gang, as well his estate having been shot at in a drive-by shooting in 1997, which was the result of a war for power in the Triads in Macau, that rippled into Vancouver where the Canadian members seize territory.

Lai was wrongfully migrated into Canada in 1996, because of a mistake in an immigration background check. Due to this he doesn't have the legal right to reside in Canada, which was found in court, and he is now to be deported.



-The 14K Triads recently went to war with the Shui Fong (Water Room Gang) triads aka Wu On Lok, which Lai Tong Sang belongs to.

-The 4 main Triad groups are the Shui Fong, 14k, Big Circle Boys and Wo Shing Yee

-The Triads major in heroine, the trade is worth roughly $500,000,000

-They are openly colder and more quick to precise violence

-They are equalled to the Hell's Angels, but in a different way, as their coldness seems to push police into doing their job, although they are more openly public about their nature, the police force seems to be less corrupt in the relationship and opposed to the organization at least in Canada. Whereas the Hell's Angels can kill someone in broad daylight and the police will do nothing about it, 100% percent corrupt, unless forced by the public's general expectation to do what is required.

-And people are less motivated to interfere with Triads, due to their cold severity, so less murders are done, at it seems in Canada.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Arrest of a Hell's Angels President Linked to Recent Child Assault

Dale Sweeney, Winnipeg chapter president.
The Hell's Angels Winnipeg chapter president, Dale Sweeney, had an expensive motorcycle confiscated after his arrest for drug trafficking allegations, in relation to an RCMP operation called Project Flatlined.

The title of the operation is likely a reference to the Redliner support club that merged into the Hell's Angels in 1997, this club is also present in Ontario, and I sincerely hope the Redliners days are numbered.

This arrest may be in relation to Dale's brother, Rodney Sweeney, stalking a man and his 14 year old nephew, who suffers from leukaemia, in a van and assaulting them both with a blunt weapon, a few days prior.

The victims may have provided information once in custody, which would be why they were followed in the first place, as this being a random act of violence after being stalked is unlikely.

So far 23 arrests have been made in this investigation, let's hope there are more.
