Monday 29 April 2013

Hell's Angels and the Date Rape Drug (2008 and 2012 busts)

Every 17 minutes a Canadian woman is violated. 25% of rape victims say that is was the result of drugs like GHB. Only 1% of date rapes are reported to the police. The most common age of victims are between 16 and 24 years old. So, how exactly are the Hell's Angels able to push this drug throughout America and not end up in prison, while these drugs are providing the only means to do it? They were caught with 375 litres of it and were admitted to moving 600 litres of it, the largest amount ever confiscated in Canada. They were also busted with it a month before 2013, so within the last couple of months. They love to lie about things like this, get to know them, they are incapable of telling the truth.

It horrifically lead to the violation of a 16 year old girl, by three boys in BC, and obviously an extremely large amount of young women overall. With 1% of date rapes reported, 7,730 young women are raped every year thanks to the Hell's Angels (so it would be approx. 99% more than that) (the math is below). So, possibly up to 765,270 women per year

They will probably say they don't sell it, to people who don't know any better, but they say the same thing about acid, you'd have to be a total dummy to buy either drug by the way, and they sell both. So, if both acid and date rape are out there in mass in Canada, and the Hell's Angels control most of Canada's drug territory, no longer Quebec, then how can they lie about it being present in mass? And they probably said after the 2008 date rape bust, the largest in Canada, that they turned over a new leaf, well they didn't, because they were caught with another 23 litres in 2012. The news reports about it are in the links below. How do they sleep at night, maybe they take it themselves?

The math: 1440 minutes in a day divided by 17, equals 84.7, multiplied by 365, equals 30,917.6471, rounded up equals 30,918, divided by 4 (25%), equals 7,729.5, rounded up 7,730 (multiplied by 99% after this total)(only 1% of date rapes are reported).

2008 date rape bust

2012 date rape bust

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